Sawarkar Hospital



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What is Ovarian Rejuvenation?

Ovarian Rejuvenation is a treatment that offers hope to women with low ovarian reserve or difficulty conceiving due to age-related infertility.

The treatment goal is to improve ovarian quality by introducing growth factors derived from the patient’s body, aiding follicular growth, and rejuvenating the ovaries. This procedure helps enhance the chances of pregnancy and overcoming fertility issues.

Treatment Options and Eligibility

This treatment is suitable for women with low ovarian reserve, premature ovarian failure, or those experiencing infertility issues due to ageing, chemotherapy, or other related treatments.

Typically, women older than 35 and with reduced ovarian reserve are candidates for Ovarian Rejuvenation. At Dr. Sawarkar’s clinic, we offer a range of treatment options customized to each patient’s unique needs.

Procedures Involved

Ovarian Rejuvenation is a simple outpatient procedure that aims to trigger the healing process in the ovaries. The treatment involves:

  • Collecting blood from the patient.
  • Extracting growth factors from the blood.
  • Injecting them into the ovaries to rejuvenate them.

Risks and Side-Effects

Ovarian Rejuvenation is a minimally invasive procedure with a low risk of complications. Dr. Sawarkar takes all necessary precautions to avoid serious complications such as infections, bleeding, or organ injury during the procedure. However, mild discomfort and cramping may occur afterward.

Cost Estimates

The cost of the ovarian rejuvenation procedure can vary depending on factors such as location, the extent of the procedure, and other relevant factors. Dr. Sawarkar provides customized estimates to fit individual patients' needs.

Get In Touch

If you’re considering Ovarian Rejuvenation, Dr. Sawarkar provides personalized care and attention. He offers the latest and most effective technologies, with a compassionate, patient-centric approach that helps address fertility issues.

Book an appointment today to learn more about the available treatment options and start your journey toward parenthood.

Sawarkar Hospital

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